Lone Survivor (2013) An emotional powerhouse film

As a former Navy SEAL Team support member, what impressed me the most was the details about these SEALs and the whole Special Operations culture. The director did his research because everything was nearly 100% accurate. The beards, the long hair, the uniforms, the painted guns, the gloves, the sunglasses, the wooden quads/SHU's (sleeping quarters), the TOC (Tactical Operations Center), the JOC (Joint Operations Center), down to the the Merrell hiking shoes. That is how our special forces look and act. PERIOD!

One thing this movie failed to show was the HUGE AMOUNT of PRIDE that ALL subsequent SEALs have for ALL SEALs who die in combat. This happened in 2005 but nine years later if you walk into any SEAL building, base, or unit you will see pictures of ALL of their fallen brothers hanging on the wall with details of their death. They never forget anyone EVER!

This movie had little to no Hollywood fluff. Zero propaganda. It is the most accurate depiction of the two most modern wars that the U.S. has been apart of. If you want to know what it is like for the Navy SEALs and their support teams back on the FOB (Forward Operating Base) in Afghanistan or Iraq, watch this movie.